Dan Kamensky

Founder & Board Member

Dan Kamensky is a highly accomplished attorney and entrepreneur, boasting an impressive career spanning over two decades in the legal and investment management sectors. With his extensive experience, Kamensky has acquired a deep understanding of resolving intricate problems, skillfully utilizing his legal and financial expertise.

Kamensky has held various influential roles throughout his versatile career, including founder and CEO, entrepreneur, academic, and attorney. Notably, he has dedicated a significant portion of his professional journey to finance, where he founded a distressed debt hedge fund that received esteemed recognition through the prestigious Absolute Return Award for delivering exceptional risk-adjusted returns. Throughout his tenure, Kamensky has fostered a reputation for fairness and a steadfast commitment to balancing the interests of all stakeholders, striving for optimal solutions.

Kamensky’s unwavering sense of righteousness and spirited fight against injustice has been evident since his youth. As a young teenager, he actively participated in the Chicago Action for Soviet Jewry, diligently raising awareness about the challenges faced by Jews residing in the Soviet Union. Growing up in the 1980s within the confines of a dangerous environment, Jews lived in constant fear and apprehension about their future. Kamensky expended relentless efforts to assist his relatives in Russia, facilitating their immigration to the United States during the late 1980s. Subsequently, his extended family successfully assimilated into their new lives, securing employment and establishing themselves within their newfound community.

Driven by his innate sense of justice and unwavering belief in the Jewish proverb “Justice, Justice, Thou Shalt Pursue,” Kamensky remains steadfast in helping others and making a positive impact. He channels these values through his involvement with the Creditor Rights Coalition (CRC), a prominent non-profit industry association committed to fostering transparency, accountability, and equal treatment for creditors facing similar circumstances. Collaborating with the CRC as an investor and philanthropist, Kamensky strives to achieve a more equitable outcome for all stakeholders involved in bankruptcy proceedings. By advocating for consistent “rules of the road,” Kamensky believes parties can form clear expectations and treat each other fairly.

Kamensky’s unwavering commitment to justice, philanthropic endeavors, and determination to enhance the bankruptcy process have solidified his position as a trailblazer within the legal and financial spheres. Armed with his profound expertise and an unwavering dedication to equality, Kamensky continues to leave an indelible mark, working tirelessly to promote fairness and robust stakeholder participation.

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